Roma Baranenko

Developer / Розробник
Hello World! I'm a developer. I specialize in backend development in the frequency development of bots of any complexity. I take a great interest in studying various types of software architecture, my hobby is studying Kung - Fu.
I am always open for interesting offers and cooperation.
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I, Baranenko Roman Sergeevich, was born on November 27, 1994 in the city of Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine. In 2002 I entered the secondary school №49. In 2006 he won the mathematics Olympiad. Since 2009, he has been engaged in Water Polo for several years. In 2011 he graduated from the school. In the same year he began his studies at the Dnepropetrovsk College of Rocket and Space Engineering (DKRKM), specializing in Software Development. In 2015 he graduated from the college and got the qualification "Technique - programmer". After graduation started to develop mobile applications. (One of the applications: Event Now). At the end of 2015 he joined Triada Corp. to the post of developer of mobile applications. At work, I was re-qualified as a web developer. Since June 2017, three together with Valentin Pasichnichenko and Arzhanukhin Bogdan Vitalievich founded the TrendBrand company selling goods via the Internet. In August 2017, he founded the jungle bay community, which is developing Open Source projects. In November 2017 he began studying at the Kung - Fu School of South Shaolin Da Ngat Kung Fu Kuen For. February 26, 2018 started working in M2e LTD. in the position of Developer support.
May 21 I met love Chebotar Anzhelika Igorevna.
M2e LTD worked until the end of August 2021.
On September 7, he began working as a Software Developer in the company Phonexa Holdings LLC.
On November 9, 2022, we married Angelica love.
On February 19, 2023, Angelica and I had a daughter, Adele love.
Next will be...

Did not serve.
Not tried.
Yes children.

Additional Information:

Father: Baranenko Sergey Grigorievich, was born on June 13, 1961 in the city of Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine. He died on August 20, 2018. Secondary education, he worked as a security guard at a local school. Previously tried.

Mother: Baranenko Larisa Ivanovna, was born on August 30, 1967 in the city of Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine. Education is secondary, working as a sister in the maternity ward. We do not judge.

Wife: Baranenko Anzhelika Igorivna, was born on August 20, 1994 in the city of Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine. Higher education, works as a software tester. Not convicted.

Daughter: Baranenko Adele Romanivna, was born on February 19, 2023 in the city of Dnipro (Dnepropetrovsk), Ukraine.
— I write in languages: PHP, JavaScript, Java;
— I have experience with such databases as: MySQL, MongoDB;
— I have the skills to work with ORM and ODM;
— I'm well-oriented *nix like systems, I can write Bash scripts;
— Development of bots of any complexity.
2015 year
Was engaged in the development of applications for Android in the language of Java plus the Spring Framework. The applications had a client - server architecture. I implemented the hardware parts with Node.js plus the Express Framework and MongoDB.
2016 year
I got carried away by web development, tried various tools for the web, a list of some of them: Bower, Babe, Gulp, Webpack, jQuery, RequireJS, Sass, PostCSS, Composer, Laravel, Symfony, Silex, RedBeanPHP, DoctrineDBAL, DoctrineORM, PHPUnit.
From mid 2016 to mid 2017 years
I was engaged only in backend development on Silex and DoctrineDBAL.
From mid 2017 year
He was developing a CRM - system that developed the backend part of Silex and DoctrineORM, and the frontend part of React.js with Redux and Material-UI.


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Da Ngat Kung Fu Kuen For
(School of Five Beasts)
The highest method of mastering external and internal energy through combat, working with weapons, studying medicine, conducting a scientific way of life and practicing meditation.
Object - Relational Mapping
In computer science is a programming technique for converting data between incompatible type systems using object - oriented programming languages. More...
Object - Document Mapper
Is the ORM for non - relational document oriented databases like MongoDB, CouchDB, Riak, SimpleDB, Terrastore. More...